Munchkin Dungeon

In Munchkin Dungeon, players enter a dungeon and attempt to collect the most treasure and achieve the highest character level. They have to push their luck if they want to succeed in their adventure, but if they come across a foe that's a little too big to face, they can always run away. If players choose to take the cowardly (albeit occasionally logical) route of avoiding danger, they earn shame, which will be counted against them at the end of the game. You can't be a hero without exhibiting a...

Available ( 2 games )

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Munchkin Dungeon: Cthulhu Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Expansion CMON KS000838F Cthulhu Bundle (Kickstarter Special) $14.99
Munchkin Dungeon: Cute As A Button Board Game Expansion (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Expansion CMON KS000838G Cute As A Button Board Game Expansion (Retail Edition) $5.99
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