
Hoplomachus [ha-ploh-ma-kuss], or Hoplo for short, is a hex-based tactical board game set inside a gladiatorial arena. One to three players, each representing an ancient city/civilization thought to have been lost to the world, are now on Rome's doorstep vying for a place in the prestigious arena games. Players have a very clear objective: Eliminate the opponent's champion. Champions start the game in the arena but are inactive and defenseless. They will not fight until the crowd is behind them....

Available ( 9 games )

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Hoplomachus: Victorum (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Chip Theory Games KS001498A Victorum (Retail Special) $154.99
Hoplomachus: Premium Alloy Dice Set (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Accessory Chip Theory Games KS001493A Premium Alloy Dice Set (Retail Special) $59.99
Hoplomachus: Premium Hero Tracker Mat (Kickstarter Special) Kickstarter Board Game Accessory Chip Theory Games KS001496A Premium Hero Tracker Mat (Kickstarter Special) $14.99
Hoplomachus: Remastered (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Chip Theory Games KS001497A Remastered (Retail Special) $134.99
Hoplomachus: Pandora's Ruin (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Expansion Chip Theory Games KS001554A Pandora’s Ruin (Retail Pre-Order Edition) $49.99
Hoplomachus: Aprilis and The Fool (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Expansion Chip Theory Games KS001552A Aprilis and The Fool (Retail Pre-Order Edition) $14.99
Hoplomachus: Premium Chip Bag (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Accessory Chip Theory Games KS001494A Premium Chip Bag (Retail Edition) $19.99
Hoplomachus: Pandora's Wake (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Expansion Chip Theory Games KS001555A Pandora’s Wake (Retail Pre-Order Edition) $49.99
Hoplomachus: Pandora's Might (Retail Pre-Order Edition) Retail Board Game Expansion Chip Theory Games KS001553A Pandora’s Might (Retail Pre-Order Edition) $19.99
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