Castle Panic

The Castle Panic Deluxe Collection is the long-awaited, ultimate, deluxe edition of Castle Panic and all of it's expansions. This giant box contains 5 games in their limited edition, deluxe versions including: Castle Panic, The Wizard's Tower, The Dark Titan, Engines of War, and the brand new expansion Crowns and Quests.

Each game retains the same mechanics fans have loved for over a decade, but now feature deluxe upgraded components. Each game comes with all new art, plastic Walls, Tow...

Available ( 2 games )

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Item Price Qty
Castle Panic: Deluxe Collection Limited Edition Bundle (Kickstarter Special) Kickstarter Board Game Fireside Games 850680002166 KS001097A Deluxe Collection Limited Edition Bundle (Kickstarter Special) $399.99
Castle Panic: Wood Collection Limited Edition Bundle (Kickstarter Pre-Order Special) Kickstarter Board Game Fireside Games KS001097B Wood Collection Limited Edition Bundle (Kickstarter Special) $249.99
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